Course details

Table with course details
Qualification name Supported Internship
Qualification level X
Awarding organisation Generic award - no awarding body
East Midlands
  • Leicestershire
West Midlands
  • Warwickshire
Learning method Work based
Course start date Flexible
Cost £0.00
Cost description Students are funded by their Local Authority following a consultation to see if we can meet need.

Discover the learning experience and opportunities you can expect from this course.

This pathway is designed for young people with learning and communication difficulties who are work-ready and want to progress into employment but would benefit from a wrap-around programme to develop English, maths and employability skills. This pathway is perfect for those who want to access internship opportunities based at an employer to help them secure paid work using the skills acquired.

Find out what qualifications and skills you will need for this course.

Students need to be aged 16 - 25 and have an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP).

View the key features of this course.

A Supported Internship is a structured study programme based primarily at an employer. At Homefield, this consists of two days working off-site and one day at college for personal and professional development activities. Students work with a Job Coach at the employment site to gain training, support and work skills needed to get a job. The Job Coach helps the student settle in, liaise with the employer and learn the job they’ve been given. Once a student is confident with the role, the Job Coach provides less hands-on support so that the student works independently. Students are expected to comply with real working conditions including time-keeping and dress codes whilst interning at the company. They will have tailored learning goals set which includes continual development of their English, maths and communication skills. Students learn functional English and maths in both standalone lessons and through learning embedded into every lesson. Students study towards functional skills qualifications where this is in their best interest and also work towards the achievement of their EHCP targets and their work goals. We can provide dedicated sessions to coach students in English and maths to help improve their career prospects, with options to work towards qualifications up to GCSE level. Supported Internships help students learn transferable work skills, provide an opportunity to practice travel training, and develop a variety of communication skills.

Understand how the course will be delivered.

Students will be based at an employer for two days a week. We believe students learn best by taking an 'achievement through experience' approach, so on their college day there will be lots of practical applications of skills learnt in the classroom whilst out in the community, at college enterprises and transferable to their home environments.

Find out what material you will need.

We ask students to bring their own bus pass, reusable shopping bag and contactless bank card so that they can practice life skills whilst out in the community. Equipment will depend on which industry the Supported Internship is focused on. This could include PPE or branded work clothes. We have bursaries available for eligible students to help cover the cost of items and learning materials students need to fully engage with the study programme.

Find out more about exams, assignments and assessments.

We focus on each individual's needs and what provides the best holistic learning experience. For many students, this is using the RARPA model - Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement. RARPA enables students to work on targets that are really important to them and informed by their EHCP. For our supported interns, it might be that qualifications are the right route and we will offer those to suit the needs of the student.

Look at the further opportunities available.

The end goal of a Supported Internship is for the student to enter employment, whether at the company if a suitable position is available or elsewhere using the skills learnt on the job. Potential Outcomes: ✓ Employment ✓ Volunteering

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